WHEN CAROLYN INFORMED ME in January 1993 that she was selling some of her dogs, I bought ZIRCONIA, XPACE and RIVER VIEW'S SPRITE (Peter x Powder) from her, and arranged for the sale of four of her dogs in Spain. ADOLPH and CABBAGE went to Ramón Rojas of Sant Andreu, YOGI and FLAPPER went to Albert Merino of Barcelona. I collected the latter four dogs on a speculative trip to Canada and Alaska to look for property, and took them back personally to their new owners in Spain. I found out too late that Carolyn was actually selling all her dogs (when she wrote me she spoke of keeping a core group of ten); I had admired and coveted ZODIAC. I was greatly disappointed that Carolyn was unable to continue kennelling. The dogs I obtained from her were crucial to me and to the SSSD breed. It is unfortunate for the breed that the Seppala scene in the USA has yet to produce another dog driver and breeder with the energy, drive, and committment to authentic Markovo Seppalas that were displayed by Carolyn Ritter. Her vacant place in the Sepppala scene remains unfilled to this day.